Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables is considered a classic children’s novel, but is loved by adults and children alike. Anne Shirley is an orphan who is taken in by two unmarried, childless siblings, Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, who run the farm at Green Gables. Anne is an optimistic, fearless child who speaks in exclamation marks. Though her enthusiasm and impetuousness tend to get her into trouble, she soon wins the hearts of those around her and finally finds a home for herself in Avonlea. Readers will find themselves falling in love with Anne’s character. She’s a dreamer, a romantic, she’s intelligent, witty and, above all, fiercely kind. Set against the backdrop of beautiful Prince Edward Island in Canada, Anne of Green Gables is a rewarding read and should have a place on every bookshelf.


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